What is a Pros Market?

Whenever I’m asked this question, I tell people they need a very good agent to navigate this market. What I mean is, you need someone with a lot of experience. Someone who knows what to ask for, how to negotiate & advocate for you, can get creative with challenging scenarios, and doesn’t slack off. Now I’m sure you’re saying “wouldn’t I want all of these anyway?” And of course my answer is yes, absolutely! But I’m emphasizing these qualities for this market specifically because there’s low room for error. You need an agent who knows what they’re doing because they’ve done it before. 

NAR’s (National Association of Realtors) membership is now at a record high of over 1.5 million agents. That means this market is saturated with licensed real estate agents—experts, pros, amateurs, & in between. With varying degrees of skill, some of these folks will do very well, while many others will be extremely challenged. The questions below will help you determine who is a good partner for you.

3 things to ask your potential agent:

  1. Are you a solo agent, on a team, or do you have others working for you? How many clients are you currently representing? How many closings did you have last year?

    • One pro of working with a big agent (or an agent a part of a team) is that they usually have good systems but a con is you may not get as much individual attention. 2-7 clients is usually a good answer to this question. Anything between 15-45 closings last year is also a great number. 

  2. Are you full time?

    • You want to ensure this isn’t just a side hustle.

  3. What’s your superpower?

    • This will help you understand the type of agent partner you’d be getting. Personally, my superpower is setting expectations with clients and delivering clear results, having a strong vendor referral list, and most importantly, ethics! 

So I’ve given you a few things to consider, but maybe you’re saying “Adrienne, this agent is a close friend or family member who I have to work with” or “My agent is new, but I still want to give them a chance.” If either of these are your scenario, I don’t want you to violate the relationship that you have with your family member or friend so I am happy to discuss giving them a referral fee if you choose to work with me. I want to make sure that you are in the best hands possible when it comes to making the largest investment that you will ever make! 

Want to get the conversation started or have additional questions? Schedule a consultation below & be sure to click my name as your preferred agent.