3 Questions to Ask Before Selling Your Home

Looking to downsize or find something bigger? Whatever your reason is for selling, there are some important steps that must be taken to optimize your investment and get the best value for your home. 

Do I need a Realtor? 

Connecting with a Realtor is the most important step. Your Realtor can discuss your goals and timelines based on when you need or want to sell. A Realtor is able to let you know the best time to sell, analyze the market trends in the area of your home (to give the best advice on setting the listing price), and advise you on how to get your home ready to sell. Choosing the right price for your home can determine if you will have a quick sell or have a home that sits for months on end. The longer a home sits on the market, the more likely potential buyers will look at it as a negative. 

Should I do any upgrades to the home before selling? 

A Realtor will be able to connect you with any vendors and contractors that may be beneficial to getting your home prepped for sale. Knowing the top things buyers are looking for can help you to decide what areas of the home you should upgrade. As agents, we know what potential buyers are looking for and can give the best advice on what to do. We also give you tips on how to present your home once any upgrades are complete. For example, I always tell my clients to declutter and do a proper cleaning of the home. Buyers are very visual and want to envision themselves in the home. I also recommend choosing neutral decor as it attracts more people than distracts them. If you are not a savvy DIY interior designer, your agent can always link you with a reputable home staging company that can get your home "showroom" ready.

Does my property have curb appeal? 

The outside of your home is just as important as the interior. Cut those overgrown shrubs and excessive weeds. It will be the first thing buyers see when arriving to view it. Invest in good landscaping and lawn care to get the yard in tip top shape. Your Realtor will also want to schedule marketing photos to showcase the home in its best light.   

These are just a few of the questions to get you started but if you would like more information about selling your home or have questions you’d like to talk through, contact me today to schedule a consultation.